Mid Level .Net Developer

Mid Level .Net Developer

Hourly rate: members only

Availability: members only

Willingness to travel: On request

Professional status: Employee

Last updated: 22 Jun 2023

Total work experience:

Language skills: English,

Personal summary

Having worked as a .net developer for 5 years, and 11 years in Software development I have successfully completed numerous projects, including developing interactive and visually appealing user interfaces using WPF and WinForms. My passion for delivering high-quality solutions and my ability to understand and meet client requirements have consistently resulted in positive feedback and successful project outcomes. Here are some key qualifications that make me a strong candidate for this role: Expertise in C# and WPF and WinForms, ASP.NET MVC, Angular: I have a deep understanding of the C# programming language and a proven track record of developing WPF and WinForms, ASP.NET MVC, Angular applications. I am skilled in designing and implementing efficient and user-friendly interfaces, integrating various controls and multimedia elements, and leveraging the full potential of each technologies

Language skills

