Hourly rate: members only

Availability: members only

Willingness to travel: Within the UK

Professional status: Freelancer

Last updated: 1 Feb 2023

Total work experience:

Language skills: English,

Personal summary

What started as a hobby in high-school led to 13+ years of experience in software and web development, of which 8+ years professional. Self-motivated Full Stack Engineer with extensive experience in modern technologies. Interested in Express,NestJS,GraphQL, Typescript, Swagger,AWS and Agile methodologies, experienced in Scrum and Kanban, and played major roles in complex large-scale projects. Areas of Expertise: NodeJs, NestJs, ExpressJs, GraphQL, RestAPI, JavaScript, TypeScript, Swagger, Jest , AWS (EC2, S3, RDS, Lambda, API Gateway, Amplify) MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL, Mongoose, Sequelize, TypeORM, Elasticsearch DevOps, Microservices, Docker, Kubernetes, Gitlab CI, Serverless

Language skills


Fluent knowledge