Full Stack .NET Developer | ASP.NET | Database Administrator | Mobile Developer

Hourly rate: members only

Availability: members only

Willingness to travel: Within the UK

Professional status: Freelancer

Last updated: 21 Feb 2024

Total work experience:

Language skills: English,

Personal summary

With over 15 years of hands-on experience in the realm of programming, I bring a versatile skill set and a keen analytical mind to the table. I thrive on crafting innovative solutions that drive results as a dedicated problem-solver. My journey has equipped me with a spectrum of computer skills that enable me to excel in diverse technical challenges. 🔧 Technical Proficiency: ✨ Git | Jira | Agile Methodologies | ASP.NET | .NET 7 | C# | Blazor | Web Services | Windows Services | Microsoft SQL Databases | JavaScript | WCF Service | Swagger | Tcp | OpenLayers | Delphi | VB.NET

Language skills

