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We found 2 freelancers for category Mastercam
Mechatronics engineer
I develop İT applications, softwares, industrial robots, and I use image processing all the time to solve problems like self-driving car in autonomous vehicle. Join me to do something great
MATLAB / Simulink 4 Image Processing 4 Finite element method (FEM) 4 Programmable logic controller (PLC) 4 OneCNC 2 C++ 5 SolidWorks 5 ANSYS (ANalysis SYStem) 5 Mastercam 2 Abaqus FEA 4
Greetings, I am Asad, a dedicated, proactive mechanical design engineer with a comprehensive background of more than six years of experience in Designing, Analyzing, & Simulations while using CAD &...
Creo Elements/Pro (Pro/ENGINEER, Pro/E, ProE) 6 Autodesk AutoCAD 3 ANSYS (ANalysis SYStem) 2 Visio 4 Autodesk Inventor 3 SolidWorks 4 Mastercam 2 Presentation 5
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