Search results

We have found 1,188 freelancers for category Management, Corporation, Strategy

Data entry /administrator

I used to be HR supervisor and research associate for 5 years. And now, its been 4 years that i am serving as a school teacher and also a master trainer.

Mardan, Pakistan

Human resources management (HRM) 8 Elemantery teaching 4

Software Developer | UI/UX Designer | Digital Marketer

Software developer with 4+ years of experience in multiple settings participating in design and development programs using the latest and most appropriate technologies.

Lagos, Nigeria

PHP 4 Java 2 User Interface (UI) 2 Management 4

Success Manager

Because of my proximity to the customer, I am particularly good at getting customers excited about upgrading or adding products. Identifying the opportunities where upselling makes sense requires...

Lyons-la-Forêt, France

Account management 16 Business consulting 18 Business continuity management (BCM) 11 Succession planning 7

Business Maker

I am ready to make your business running and your brand more valuable

Augsburg, Germany

Internet / Intranet integration (eBusiness) 5 Product Owner 5 Sales management 8

Training - coaching competency 3 Technical support 4 Workshop - customer orientation 3 Personnel administration 1 Training - behaviour techniques 3 Billing / rating (telekommunication) 1

dutch 30 Project management 10 Translation 10 Technical documentation 20

Warsaw, Poland

SQL 8 Project management (IT) 10 Business analyse 10

Radio frequency (RF) engineering 26 Project management 12 Mobile radio communication 26 LTE (Long Term Evolution) 10

bushehr, Iran

C 4 C++ 4 Programmable logic controller (PLC) 4 Python 1 CAD (computer-aided design) 3 Autodesk AutoCAD 3 MATLAB / Simulink 5 DIN EN ISO 9001 8 iso/iec 17025 9 minitab 8

Tunisia, Tunisia

Digital marketing 14 tA-Logistic 8 Web design 5 Design Thinking 5