Hourly rate: members only

Availability: members only

Willingness to travel: At home

Professional status: Employee

Last updated: 7 Oct 2023

Total work experience:

Language skills: Russian, Greek, English,

Personal summary

With over four years of experience in accounting, I've always aimed to broaden my horizons. Now, I'm looking decisively into copywriting. While accounting remains my passion and primary focus, I feel that I can apply my skills in the field of writing. My goal in copywriting is to generate additional income and have the opportunity to creatively express myself. I don't plan to fully switch to copywriting as accounting continues to be my primary source of income. However, I believe that my experience and analytical skills will be valuable in crafting persuasive texts. I take pride in my professional growth and am ready to immerse myself in this new area, combining it with my accounting expertise.

Language skills


Native speaker



