IT Business Analyst
Hourly rate: members only
Availability: members only
Willingness to travel: Worldwide
Professional status: Freelancer
Last updated: 1 Jul 2023
Total work experience:
Language skills: English, Turkish,
Personal summary
I can describe myself as a passionate professional IT business analyst with many useful qualities such as analytical thinking, creative problem solving, being a team player, being multifunctional. My motivations: Ability to make a positive impact in the communities in which we live and work, meeting critical deadlines, solving new problems, goal completion, growth opportunities, contributing to a team effort, learning new skills. I'm experienced in SQL(Oracle SQL and MS SQL Server), agile methodologies, Jira, Rest API's, JSON,, Balsamiq and Postman.
Agile methodologies2 SQL3 Backlog management2 Draw.io3 Business analyse2 Postman2 JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)2 Restfull API2 Trello2 Balsamiq1Language skills
Native speaker