Creative Designs

Creative Designs

Hourly rate: members only

Availability: members only

Willingness to travel: On request

Professional status: Freelancer

Last updated: 9 Jun 2023

Total work experience:

Language skills: English,

Personal summary

With my diverse background in Human Resources, Customer Service, and training, coupled with my recent completion of virtual assistant training encompassing Chatgpt, video editing, content writing, and social media management, I believe I possess the skills and experiences necessary to excel in this role. Throughout my career, I have gained valuable expertise in Human Resources, where I developed strong interpersonal and communication skills, managed employee relations, and implemented effective recruitment strategies. I also have a proven track record in delivering exceptional customer service, ensuring client satisfaction, and resolving inquiries and issues promptly. Moreover, my recent virtual assistant training has equipped me with the technical skills needed to thrive in today's digital landscape. I have acquired proficiency in Chatgpt, enabling me to effectively handle customer queries and provide real-time assistance. Furthermore, my training in video editing, content writing, and social media management has honed my creative abilities, allowing me to create engaging multimedia content and develop effective marketing strategies. In addition to my professional experiences, I am also passionate about designing. I have a keen eye for aesthetics and enjoy creating visually appealing materials. This enthusiasm for design complements my skill set and allows me to approach tasks with a creative mindset, ensuring the delivery of high-quality work. I am confident that my combination of work experiences, virtual assistant training, and passion for design make me an ideal candidate for a job. I am eager to contribute my skills and drive my team and contribute to the continued success of an organization.

Language skills

