Copywriter, Social Media and Content Manager

Hourly rate: members only

Availability: members only

Willingness to travel: At home

Professional status: Freelancer

Last updated: 20 Mar 2023

Total work experience:

Language skills: English,

Personal summary

I am a Content Manager with over six years of experience creating organic social media content, blogs and guides. If you're interested in building your brand personality and growing your organic reach with original and compelling content, I'd love to work with you. In my previous life as an IT manager, I discovered a love for communication. Whether it was drawing out stakeholder requirements or translating complex information for the wider business, I made it my mission to find ways to involve and engage people. This led me to pursue a career in Content Marketing at Wiggle. My expertise lies in copywriting for SEO. If you need to boost your organic reach and connect with your community on a human level, I can help. I'm also experienced in coordinating campaigns over a variety of online channels. At Wiggle, I significantly grew reach and engagement across TikTok, Instagram and Facebook. In addition, I've created thriving communities of Wiggle advocates across Facebook and Strava. If all this sounds good, get in touch.

Language skills


Native speaker