Prabhavathi Dodda

Prabhavathi Dodda

Hourly rate: members only

Availability: members only

Willingness to travel: At home

Professional status: Freelancer

Last updated: 30 Nov 2022

Total work experience:

Language skills: English,

Personal summary

I have around 13 years of experience in Software Testing that including Manual and Automation. Worked on testing of different applications like Web, Windows, Sharepoint, Services, Mobile Applications (Native and Hybrid app). Extensive knowledge and experience in Functional, API testing using Jmeter & Postman, Regression, Integration testing, System Integration testing, Non-functional testing(includes Penetration, Security, UI). Deeply involved in each and every phase of SDLC and STLC. Worked on Agile methodology as well for 4.5 years. Holds different certifications: CSTE, ISTQB, and CSM. I do have experience in automating test cases using Selenium. Good experience with different automation frameworks: JUnit, TestNG, Cucumber, Data-driven, Keyword-driven, Hybrid-driven, Page Object Model. During my 13 years of experience, for around 7 years working in startup companies. I am a dedicated and committed individual. I would take ownership and accountability of the task to the fullest extent. I am now looking to grow as a freelancer and I see myself as suitable for this job description. Hence sending a proposal. If you think that my skills suit your profile needs, please reach out to me. Looking forward to a positive response.


ISTQB(Foundation), Advanced, Agile

2020 United Kingdom


2020 Singapore

Language skills


Fluent knowledge