Network and Voice Engineer

Hourly rate: members only
Availability: members only
Willingness to travel: Within the UK
Professional status: Freelancer
Last updated: 20 Sep 2022
Total work experience:
Language skills: Portuguese, English,
Personal summary
My Skills: Experience with Windows and GNU/Linux server configuration and maintenance (Debian and CentOS / Re dHat); Virtualization (VMWare, Hyper V and Proxmox / KVM); Experience with high availability clustering and load balancing; Experience with cloud based development with AWS, Google Cloud; Experience with SQL databases and popular RDBMSes (PostgresSQL, MySQ L, etc.) Knowledge of programming languages such as Bash Script, PHP, AGI, Java and Phyton; Strong working knowledge of SIP, TCP, UDP, RTP / SRTP, NAT and WebRTC; Very good knowledge of protocol and packet analysis; Experience with SIP related network comp onents such as pr oxy, SBC, CUBE, softswitch, etc; Strong experience with Asterisk, FreeSwitch, Kamailio and/or OpenSIPS; Very good knowledge of routing protocol: Routing & Switching (Cisco & Huawei); UTM Firewall Security (ASA, Fortinet, pfSense) All the knowledge was acquired in professional, academic and specialized training in each area of interest.
Cisco Router12 VPN (Virtual Private Network)10 Debian10 Call Center5 Voice network10 Fixed network / telephone installation / Fax10 Fortigate Firewalls5 OpenVPN10Language skills
Native speaker