Website development and everything related to websites

Website development and everything related to websites

Hourly rate: members only

Availability: members only

Willingness to travel: At home

Professional status: Freelancer

Last updated: 5 Jun 2024

Total work experience: 20 year(s)

Language skills: English, German, Spanish, French,

Personal summary

Website development and everything related to websites. I have over 20 years of experience in commercial website development. I am proficient in all major PHP frameworks. I work well with frontend. I can do design and layout. I develop mobile applications. I specialize in online stores and custom applications for any purpose. I work with high-risk topics. I have extensive experience working with various frameworks both on the frontend and backend. I am knowledgeable in a wide range of CMS. I specialize in e-commerce and payments. I have a lot of experience working with high-load systems. I can handle tasks of a designer, frontend developer, programmer, system administrator, data analyst, manage website and server security, and perform analytics. I work with partial prepayment. I communicate through Telegram, preferring text communication. My language proficiency level is suitable for text-based dialogues. If you are satisfied with the quality of this text, then you will find communication with me acceptable. I am available for communication 15 hours a day. I strive to deliver work with the highest quality.

Language skills







