Sachin Invoked

Hourly rate: members only

Availability: members only

Willingness to travel: Within the UK

Professional status: Freelancer

Last updated: 10 May 2024

Total work experience:

Language skills: English,

Personal summary

Let me start by saying "We are passionate about providing ‘Quality’ solutions". We have a team of QC professionals who quality-check every deliverable before it goes out to our clients. We are Based locally in the UK, we provide the following: CRM/CMS development: Bespoke CRM systems on the latest tech stack: CI, Laraval, Angular, Node. Customized as per your brand with White Label (reselling services). We have built CRM systems for leading companies in the UK and the US including (but not limited to) Field Management Systems, Shift Rota systems, Elearning Systems, Clinical Appointment Systems, etc Hybrid and Native Mobile App Development: Yes, we encourage hybrid mobile app development on the latest platforms like Flutter, React, etc. Recently we have proudly built one of the most popular Apps on COVID-19 tracking 'Liberty & Passage". Other Apps include Taxi Management System, Uber/Ola Clone, Location Tracking, Fashion App called Vaqra, etc. Thanks,

Language skills

