Social Media Specialist

Social Media Specialist

Hourly rate: members only

Availability: members only

Willingness to travel: On request

Professional status: Freelancer

Last updated: 26 Apr 2024

Total work experience:

Language skills: English, Portuguese, French, Spanish,

Personal summary

My growing experience in sales, marketing, and business initiatives has led me to utilise my skills and help the previous companies I have worked with to achieve financial integrity and stability while ensuring their presence in the public's view. For this very reason, I haven't made any reservations in letting you know about my interest in pursuing this position. As demonstrated in my resume, I started my career with Moreira & Glorinha as its Business Development Manager. From there, my career has progressed towards my most current role as the Founder, CEO, Manager, and Chef of my companies Bomboni London and Gio Intimates. The former focuses on Brazilian lingerie and beachwear, while the latter is a bakery aiming to introduce a taste of Brazilian desserts in London. I am most proud that my impeccable work ethic, strong commitment, and proven track record of success can further influence change in your company through: Ability to function as the primary driving force of client retention and expansion through active advertising, marketing, and social media engagements. Collaborating with colleagues, vendors, and other stakeholders to efficiently plan, schedule, and execute strategies. Spearheading efforts to integrate solutions across websites, digital experiences, and marketing initiatives. Mentoring sales, marketing, advertising, and events staff to meet strategic expectations within projects and initiatives. Developing and overseeing the execution of strategic initiatives by utilising branding assets, creating guidelines, and enforcing policies for consistent social experiences for all audiences. Implementing campaigns, events, and other marketing priorities on social channels while tracking and analysing marketing performance. I have proven success in social media marketing strategy and conceptualisation, business development, affiliate marketing, lead generation, and data analytics, and I am confident that my knowledge and skills, when linked with your organisation's core values, will create outstanding, progressive results. Further, I am adept in developing and maintaining excellent relationships with key customers or stakeholders, thereby enhancing loyalty and business continuity. If hired, I am confident that I would be able to bring the same level of commitment to motivate and sustain your organisation's positive impact on its target group.

Language skills


Fluent knowledge


Native speaker



