Hourly rate: members only

Availability: members only

Willingness to travel: On request

Professional status: Employer

Last updated: 5 Jan 2024

Total work experience:

Language skills: English,

Personal summary

Experienced Azure Data Engineer with 4 years of expertise in leveraging Azure technologies to build scalable data pipelines, perform transformations, and support data-driven decision-making. Proficient in Azure Data Factory, Azure Databricks, Azure SQL Database, and Azure Synapse Analytics. Skilled in optimizing data storage, data integration, and ensuring data quality and governance. Strong in SQL/T-SQL, data modeling, and Power BI for advanced visualization. Collaborative team player with effective communication and SDLC experience. Committed to staying updated with the latest Azure data engineering trends and delivering high-quality data solutions for informed decision-making.

Language skills


Fluent knowledge