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We have found 1,828 freelancers for category Management

Software Developer | UI/UX Designer | Digital Marketer

Software developer with 4+ years of experience in multiple settings participating in design and development programs using the latest and most appropriate technologies.

Lagos, Nigeria

PHP 4 Java 2 User Interface (UI) 2 Management 4

Success Manager

Because of my proximity to the customer, I am particularly good at getting customers excited about upgrading or adding products. Identifying the opportunities where upselling makes sense requires...

Lyons-la-Forêt, France

Account management 16 Business consulting 18 Business continuity management (BCM) 11 Succession planning 7

Business Maker

I am ready to make your business running and your brand more valuable

Augsburg, Germany

Internet / Intranet integration (eBusiness) 5 Product Owner 5 Sales management 8

1st level support / UHD 9 2nd & 3rd level support 9 Incident management 7 IT-Governance 3

Calamba City, Philippines

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) 8 Property management 1

PPT 15 Education 15 Market development import and export 10 Training - conversational behavior 10 Training - stress management 10

2, Moldova

Quality management / QS / QA (IT) 7

Brno, Czech Republic

Business-to-business (B2B) 4 Business-to-Consumer (B2C) 4 Account management 3 Sales management 7

Adobe Photoshop 15 Microsoft Access 6 Coral draw 13 Computer engineering 15 Micro systems technology 8 group administrator manager 3 microsoft power point presentation 15 web site designer 7

Ruinen, Netherlands

IT System management 30 Application-Management (AM) 10 Interim management 10 Techical project management 10