Computational science & engineering (CSE)

Hire independent professionals who have experience and specialization Computational science & engineering (CSE) and will help implement your projects on time and with a professional approach. Outsource services and choose a freelancer with relevant experience.

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We found 2 freelancers for category Computational science & engineering (CSE)


Student of biomedical engineer and born in 1996 and try to be a good man in world So let's start it

Urmia, Iran

Biomedical engineer 4 Chemical plant engineering 1 Computational science & engineering (CSE) 1

ICT Manager

am hardworking personnel in the desired contracts and also in doing them better. a work given will always ensure that it hat been done as recommended and is of equality despite having very rate...


Blogging 4 Technical writing 3 Computational science & engineering (CSE) 2 Information Builders 2 Predictive analytics 3

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